First, you will need to portforward. I will not provide a Tutorial for that you can find that out yourself or you can pm me and i will be happy to do it for you.
Next, make an account on
After you make the account there, click on Add a Host.
Just change the Hostname to whatever you want. and make it leave evrything else then click Create Host.
Now download the No-IP DUC Client Here:
After you do that, login to your No-IP account and they should have an option for Select Hosts. Click that. Choose the host you made. I have a couple I made before this. Don't mind those.
Now, open up Darkcomet, click on Sockets List at the bottom. Right click and click Add Port To Listen. Now whatever port you forwarded, type that in. I forwarded port 100 so I will enter that there.
Now go back to Connections and click Edit Server then Server Module at the top.
Now. Follow the pictures for each section!
Main Settings (Hit Generate next to Mutex a couple times)
Network Settings: On IP/DNS, enter the No-IP Hostname you chose. And on Port, enter the port you forwarded and are using. Then click Test Network.
Now skip all the rest until you get to Build Module. Click UPX. Then build your server.
Now you are done. Test your server by running your file.
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